Before decide to learn a skill, it's better to see how's the aptitude of
a character toward the skills. The least point needed to learn a skill,
the better the result. However, this method does not always work,
mostly but not always. I have found some characters that have
highest aptitude did not result highest rank in their skill.
~ Budehuc Castle ~
Bujutsu Teacher : Juan
Aptitudes Skill point needed Estimate
to learn Rank
The results are amazing! 20 A+ - S
Competent 30 A
It could be much worse 40 B+
Absolutely Average 50 B
It won't be easy 60 C
Tutor : Ernie
Aptitudes Skill point needed Estimate
to learn Rank
Unbridled Potential! 20 A+ - S
There's no denying talent 30 A
Your mother would be proud 40 B+
WOW! Just kidding--Average 50 B
It won't be easy 60 C
~ All other areas ~
Vinay del Zexay(Guild Hall,left door that leads to outside area)
Brass Castle
Budehuc Castle
Duck Village
Le Buque
Alma Kinan
Bujutsu Teacher:
Vinay del Zexay(Guild Hall,left door that leads to outside area)
Brass Castle
Budehuc Castle
Great Hollow
Alma Kinan
Bujutsu Teacher / Tutor :
Aptitudes Skill point needed Estimate
to learn Rank
Perfect Match! 20 A+ - S
Fairly Good Match 30 A
Natural Ability Exists 40 B+
Average 50 B
It will take time 60 C
~ Support Character ~
There are Support Characters who can give you Education/Training.
Bring them in your party and access it by choosing
the "Tutor/Bujutsu" skill.
Tutor: Caesar
Aptitudes Skill point needed Estimate
to learn Rank
Infinite genius,like me! 20 A+ - S
Nice, nice... 30 A
I've heard of worse 40 B+
A-V-E-R-A-G-E 50 B
It won't be easy 60 C
Tutor : Hortez VII
Aptitudes Skill point needed Estimate
to learn Rank
Frigtheningly talented! 20 A+ - S
You'll do well 30 A
Could be handy 40 B+
As plain as water 50 B
You'd have to struggle 60 C
Tutor: Iku
Aptitudes Skill point needed Estimate
to learn Rank
Brilliance personified! 20 A+ - S
Noteworthy, noteworthy... 30 A
Amusing, or useful? Hmmm... 40 B+
Just one of the herd 50 B
An uphill battle at best... 60 C
Tutor : Nadir
Aptitudes Skill point needed Estimate
to learn Rank
Top Ability! 20 A+ - S
Good, very good.... 30 A
Could come in handy 40 B+
Average as can be 50 B
Immense time required! 60 C
Bujutsu Teacher : Jefferson
Aptitudes Skill point needed Estimate
to learn Rank
Genius, baby, genius! 20 A+ - S
Smokin! 30 A
It wouldn't be a waste 40 B+
"Vanilla." You follow me? 50 B
An arduous task at best... 60 C
II. Skill Points
Education Center and Training Center have the same pattern
of required skill points.This tables below show how many skill points
you need to enhance your character skill.
There are two type of pattern I found out.
Note : I have not finished with this section yet, as it will be
updated more.
A. Where the Estimate Ranks are the same as the Actual Rank
| Skill Points Needed |Actual |
Estimate|_______________________________________________| Rank |
Rank | E D C B B+ A A+ |Result |
S | 40 65 90 135 180 250 350 | S |
A | 50 80 120 170 220 - - | A |
B+ | 60 95 140 205 - - - | B+ |
B | 75 115 170 - - - - | B |
C | 100 150 - - - - - | C |
B. Where the Estimate Ranks are different from the Actual Rank
There are some special cases where you will get different result
other than the Estimate Ranks, although the odds are against it.
| Skill Points Needed |Actual |
Estimate|________________________________________________| Rank |
Rank | E D C B B+ A A+ |Result |
S | 40 65 120 190 - - - |B+ |
A+ | | |
A | | |
B+ | | |
B | | |
C | 100 150 200 250 300 350 - |A+ |
III. Characters With "S" Rank and/or 3 Rune Slots
I listed all the characters by alphabetical orders.
These characters reach "S" rank without accecories/armor.
Alanis -3 Rune Slots
Augustine -Parry
Ayame -Repel, Holy Dash
Emily -Swing
Estella -Fire Magic, 3 Rune Slots
Fred -Shield Protect
Gadget Z -Fighting Spirit
Hallec -Swing
Hugo -Repel
Jacques -Sharpshoot
Joker -3 Rune Slots
Juan -Heavy Damage, Continual Attack
Kenji -Holy Dash
Landis -Freeze, Thief, Magic Resistance
Leo -Adrenaline Power, Damage, Armor Protect
Lucia -3 Rune Slots
Mel -Lighting Magic, 3 Rune Slots
Nei -Chant Purity, Magic Resistance, 3 Rune Slots
Piccolo -3 Rune Slots
Rody -Sword of Magic, 3 Rune Slots
Shabon -3 Rune Slots
Toppo -Chanting Volume
Viki -Blinking Magic, 3 Rune Slots
Y.Viki -Blinking Magic, 3 Rune Slots
Wan Fu -Adrenaline Power
Watari -Counter-Attack, 3 Rune Slots
Yuiri -3 Rune Slots
IV. Natural Skills
These are the skills that all the character learn by themself.
| Magic Skills | Characters |
| Chanting Volume | Kenji Nei Toppo Shabon Sgt. Joe |
| Chant Purity | Kenji Nei Toppo Shabon |
| Blinking Magic | Mel Rody Viki Y.Viki |
| Shield Magic | Aila Alanis Belle Nei Percival Queen Rico |
| | Sanae Y. Viki Y.Viki |
| Pale Gate Magic | Alanis Estella Joker Mel Piccolo Viki Y.Viki |
| Focus | Estella Joker Piccolo |
| Precision | Alanis Elaine Rody |
| Magic Rationing | Elaine Rody Sharon Yuiri Yumi |
| Magic Repel | Estella Geddoe Lucia Wilder Rhett |
| Fighting Skills | Characters |
| Parry | Augustine Chris Futch Gau Geddoe Hugo Lilly |
| | Sharon |
| Heavy Damage | Borus Chris Duke Emily Hallec Hugo Juan Lilly |
| | Sgt. Joe Melville Nash Percival Queen Yuiri |
| Counter Attack | Ayame Duke Edge Hugo Joker Percival Sanae Y. |
| | Watari |
| Continual Attack | Beecham Hugo Joker Juan Kenji Koichi Lucia |
| | Nash |
| Adreanaline Power | Fred Hallec Leo Twaikin |
| Shield Protect | Fred Mua Nicolas Sharon Twaikin |
| Fighting Spirit | Gadget Z Leo Rico Samus Shiba |
| Freeze | Aila Bazba Fubar Geddoe Landis Reed |
| Sharpshoot | Jacques Roland Yuiri Yumi |
| Thief | Ace Landis |
| Support Skills | Characters |
| Appraisal | Arthur/B Eike/C Guillaume/A Mio/E Muto/D |
| Bujutsu Teacher | Jefferson/D Juan/B+ |
| Tutor | Caesar/E Ernie/B+ Hortez VII/C Iku/C Nadir/D |
| Healing | Anne/D Iku/C Jeane/E Luce/E Louis/E Mio/B+ |
| | Sanae Y./D Tuta/A+ |
| Discount | Ace/C Bartz/C Gordon/C Luce/D Martha/B Nadir/D |
| | Goro/A |
| Trade-In | Billy/D Gordon/D Kathy/E Mike/C |
| Bath | Bartz/C Goro/A+ |
| Treasure Hunt | Arthur/E Elliot/D Guillaume/E Kidd/C Koroku/E |
| Potch Finder | Apple/D Elliot/C Guillaume/E Sebastian/E |
| Rune Sage | Jeane/A Mike/C |
| Cook | Anne/D Billy/D Mamie/A Louis/D |
V. Rune Shops
~ Vinay del Zexay ~
~ Guild Hall(Vinay del Zexay) ~
Great Hawk
Sword of Rage
~ Brass Castle ~
Great Hawk
Sword of Cyclone
~ Duck Village ~
Wall (Supply/Item Shop)
~ Caleria ~
~ Alma Kinan ~
~ Le Buque ~