Suikoden III Books

Friday, January 29, 2016

Every Suikoden to date has made use of the Old Books to help
the player obtain valuable information about the locale, history
of a certain area or people, Shop rare-find lists, True Runes,
hints of help for your gameplay, and other helpful information.

To best use and appreciate the Old Books in Suikoden III,
you must first recruit the Librarian, Eike(Chisui Star). Eike
becomes available, and is most often recruited as soon as you
play as Thomas in Chapter 1 of his POV. He is auto-recruited
so you don't really have to worry about ever missing him. Once
he is recruited, you must simply bring him the Old Books at the
library he facilitates at Lake Castle for him to review with you.
The Library is located on the top floor, right side near the
elevator hallway.

Here are the locations of all of the Old Books. Some of these,
keep in mind, may require you to be playing as a certain character to
obtain. Namely those people who can loot corpses or check the
remains for treasures. Those are the earliest and quickest ways to
obtain them, anyhow. Some can be recieved simply by speaking
with the right NPC in the right location. Anyways....on with the

Old Book Volume 1
You recieve Old Book Volume #1 from the corpse remains in the
Flame Champion's Hideaway. Most often, it will be one of the first
if not "the" first things you will recieve from the corpse. If you have
problems obtaining it, I suggest waiting until you know you can loot
again, save your game, and then try to get it. If you fail, reload and
try again.

Old Book Volume 2
This book is obtained by way of the Lottery. Namely, it is the
Complimentary Prize you obtain by playing the Lottery game in
Vinay Del Zexay. You shouldn't have too many issues finding this
one, unless you aren't used to the lottery. It really isn't hard to pull
the complimentary prize, as you obtain that more often than others.

Old Book Volume 3
This book is obtained by one of the Lizard Clan, in the N. Western
sections of the Great Hollow. Simply speak with him and accept the
book when offered. That's all there is to it.

Old Book Volume 4
This book is found later in the game, although it is an early addition
to the Volumes. You can obtain this by checking the corpse you find
in the area of the Cyndar Ruins, accessed by way of the right pathway.
Again, it should be there as a first loot on the corpse.

Old Book Volume 5
This Old Book can be found by speaking with the Chisha Clan woman
who is walking the platforms in Duck Village behind the Inn. You should
be able to spot her if you go to where you first met Hortez III.

Old Book Volume 6
This book is found by way of Eike. He comes with it in his inventory of
personal favorites. Can't miss this one.

Old Book Volume 7
Another book that Eike comes with when you first meet and recruit him.
You won't be able to miss this one either.

Old Book Volume 8
Old Book #8 is another one of those that you obtain by playing the Lottery
game. This time, you need to win the Complimentary Prize in the Lake
Castle Lottery. That which is ran by Martha.

Old Book Volume 9
You will be down on your knee's looting another corpse to obtain this copy.
What you want to do, is check the corpse at the Flame Champion's
Hideaway with Geddoe's team as soon as you arrive. This book should be
the first item you recieve.

Old Book Volume 10
Another edition that good ol' Eike starts with. You can't miss this one....

Old Book Volume 11
This volume is found quite easily and fairly early in your adventure if you
keep your eyes peeled for it. You recieve it as a prize from the Chimera
you can encounter as a boss at the end of the North Cavern Tunnel. If
you are unfamiliar with it, it is the place where a couple of duels take place
and scenes late in the game are viewed.

Old Book Volume 12
This Book can be obtained by opening the Treasure Chest on Mt. Hei-Tu.
It is always guarded by a Crab type enemy, so prepare accordingly if you
are low in level or poorly equipped.

-C) Contents
This section will detail and list the contents of each book for you, and give
you some idea on some of the most important aspects of the game. Here
we are at last. I can hardly wait!

Old Book Volume 1- Curio Delights

Failure Urn
30 Potch

Caleria Urn
3,000 Potch

Wu-ts'ai Urn
7,000 Potch

Karaya Urn
8,000 Potch

Celadon Urn
20,000 Potch

Gold Urn
45,000 Potch

White Porcelain vase
90,000 Potch

50 Potch

Scroll Picture
7,000 Potch

Painting: Lady
8,000 Potch

Painting: Sky Owl
10,000 Potch

Painting: Knight
20,000 Potch

Painting: Ruins
35,000 Potch

Painting: Sunset
50,000 Potch

Hex Doll
200 Potch

Sp. Hex Doll
5,000 Potch

Peeing Boy
30,000 Potch

Knight Statue
60,000 Potch

Goddess Statue
80,000 Potch

Sp. Knight Statue
100,000 Potch

Sp. Goddess Statue
250,000 Potch

Sp. Dragon Statue
400,000 Potch

Indoor Plant Vase
6,000 Potch

Rose Vase
7,000 Potch

Plum Bonsai
9,000 Potch

Potted Mini-Cactus
11,000 Potch

Potted Cactus
15,000 Potch

Pine Bonsai
2,000 Potch

Old Book Volume 2-Legend of Cyndar

"Long ago, there lived the elusive Cyndar Clan, whose ruins lie across
our land."

"In the search for the unknown Cyndar legacy, scholars and hunters have
found only death. May one of those brave souls find peace in knowning
that their findings survive herein to spread their rare insights. "

"My Search for Cyndar"

"Far have I come to seek the truth of Cyndar, yet little have I found.
I record my work herein now, for my strength falters more each day."

"The ethereal Cyndar legacy casts a shadow before us, and none can claim
to know anything of their true nature."

"Cyndar went from the north to the south, leaving ruins behind in all
corners of our land. Their leader perhaps kept death at bay with a rune
above the brow, but the same magic may also have forced Cyndar to remain
nomadic. Beyond the many traps set within the Cyndar ruins may rest great
wealth and knowledge."

"Few have sought to break through to the inner ruins, for the darkness of
death is said to sweep away those who try. I myself now suffer this

Old Book Volume 3-Taraq's List of Finds
"In my travels I have seen these items, beyond the grandest deams, But as
the winds of trade are strong, stock will not be plentiful for long."

Karaya Clan
Lightning Leather
Fish Badge
Duck Clan
Gold Beak
Blue Ribbon
Water Amulet
Wall Crystal
Hazy Crystal

Vinay Del Zexay
Master Garb
Turtle Tunic
Black Warrior Tunic
Premier Tunic
Lightning Leather
Thunderbolt Leather
Premier Armor
Wind Amulet
Yellow Scarf
Sunbeam Crystal
Warrior Crystal

Iksay Village
Rose Brooch
Alert Crystal
Waking Crystal
Golden Hammer

Guild Hall
Flame Armor
Armor of Rage
Byakko Chain Mail
Guardian Shield
Flame Amulet
Gold Emblem
Hunter Crystal
Rose Vase
Painting: Knight

Alma Kinan
Wind Amulet
Killer Crystal
Hazy Crystal
Goddess Statue

Premier Helm
Guardian Chain Mail
Custom Chain Mail
Gloves of Destiny
Thunder Amulet
White Rose Brooch
Wizard Crystal

Chisha Clan
Silver White Robe
Chief's Hat
Prosperity Hat
Lion God Ring
Prosperity Ring
Wizard Crystal
Medal Set #4

Lizard Clan
Byakko Chain Mail
Custom Chain Mail
Thunderbolt Leather
Premier Tunic
Crown of Destiny
DragonTail Ornament
Mole Gloves
Counter Crystal
Violence Crystal

Brass Castle
Lightning Leather
Thunderbolt Leather
Byakko Chain Mail
Chaos Shield
Gold Emblem
Wind Amulet
Thunder Amulet
Flame Amulet
Medicine Crystal
Killer Crystal
Wu-ts'ai Urn

Le Buque
Windspun Armor
Mole Shield
Premier Casque
Custom Tunic
Thunder Amulet
Pale Moon Casque
Counter Crystal
Hazy Crystal

Old Book Volume 4-Approach With Caution

Watari: Fugitive ninja. Last seen near Iksay Village.

Gordon: Supply shop proprietor in Iksay Village. Says he is practicing to
become a gentleman.

Landis: A Winghorde youth looking for his niche in the world. Spotted in
Kuput Forest.

Melville: Saint Loa Knight. His father is a treasure hunter and is rarely at
home with him.

Ayame: Female ninja. Said to be chasing another ninja. Little knowledge
of this person exists.

Guillaume: Makes a ruckus wherever he goes. Seen lurking about the ruins
on the Ancient Highway. Just who is he?

Hortez VII: Young scroll maker at Lake. Makes good scrolls but is completely
unable to discern direction. Seen in Caleria and at Duck and Chisha villages.

Estella: A travelling wizard now said to be in Alma Kinan Village. Has a
younger brother named Rody. Tends to deceive people.

Arthur: Always in search of his next newspaper story. Interested in the recent
incident at the barrier checkpoint.

Alanis: Nothing is known of her since she moved away. Reportedly seen at
the Great Hollow.

Jefferson: Appears unexpectedly in busy places and assigns titles to people.

Kidd: A young sleuth who has unraveled many cases thus far. Said to be at
the Duck Clan Village.

Old Book Volume 5-Birth of the 27 True Runes

In the beginning there existed only long, long Darkness.

Over time, Darkness grew lonely. The loneliness became a heavy sorrow.
Darkness eventually cried one tear.

From the tear were born two brothers: Sword and Shield.

Sword said it could cut all that exists. Shield replied that nothing could
even scratch it.

They fell into war. Their war lasted for 7 days and 7 nights.

In the end, Sword breached Shield, and Shield broke Sword.

Pieces of Sword rained down to make the sky. Pieces of Shield rained down
to make the earth. Their battle flashes became the stars.

The 27 gems adorning Sword and Shield transformed into the 27 True Runes.
And thus the world began its life.

Old Book Volume 6-Trader's Handbook

"Every good trader gathers information. At every place you visit, check
the prices of goods."

"When you notice price differences, buy where an item is cheap and sell
where it is expensive."

"Shops need time to replenish supplies you've bought. Use that time to
visit other trade shops. Sell what you have, then buy goods said to be
desired elsewhere."

"One famous trader bought salt in Caleria and sold it for triple the price
in Vinay Del Zexay. Deer antlers were cheap there. He took several back to
Caleria and made a fortune. If only his pet dragon hadn't eaten it all."

"Your ability to carry items is limited. Store your purchases at the
warehouse if you can't sell them right away."

"Keep your ear to the wall, and the wind! You never know when a story
you hear will point the way to a hefty profit."

Old Book Volume 7-(Dunan) Unification War
(This title will vary by your load data from Suikoden I)

"In 460(solar calendar), an alliance of cities known as the City-State of
Jowston broke a ceasefire agreement without warning, and annihilated the
Highland Youth Army. In response, Prince Luca Blight of Highland invaded
Toto and Ryube villages, spawning the (Dunan) Unification War. Jowston
leaders sought more cooperation among cities, but were denied even as
Highland killed Mayor Annabel and captured her city, Muse, the most
important of Jowston cities. Total Highland victory was certain until the
remnants of the State Army joined with mercaneries at North Window Castle
to organize a new resistance movement against Prince Blight.

These new allied forces were led by the son of the hero Genkaku, who
had saved Jowston in the past. The new allied forces endured Highland
attacks and succeeded in rescuing Greenhill City mayor Teresa Wisemail.
After Matilda Knightdom dismissed a request for military help; half of its
knights defected to join the new allied forces. With their numbers augmented,
they launched a challenge against Highland, which was now completely
controlled by Luca Blight as emperor, due to the sudden death of his father,
Agares. Despite Highland's numerical superiority, its army was unable to
deliver a decisive blow against the allies led by Shu, a clever tactician.
Emperor Blight chose to sneak-attack the heart of the allied forces. The plan
was discovered in advance, however, and the allied forces waited patiently
for Blight's ambush.

Under a full moon, the slaughter was reversed, with the attackers
not even realizing they'd been surrounded. Emperor Luca's death passed the
throng to Princess Jilla's husband of 17 years, Jowy Blight. Inspired by the
ambush, the allied forces liberated Tinto City and Greenhill City. They went
on to capture the Matilda Knightdom's stronghold, Rockaxe Castle, and then
turned their attention to the Highland imperial capital, L'Renouille.
Nearly everyone defending the capital died. Emperor Jowy Blight was last
seen during the torching of the city. The Highland Kingdom was no more, and
the royal Blight family legacy came to an end."

Old Book Volume 8-The Flame Champion Legend


"Many years ago, over half of the Grasslands were controlled by the Holy
Harmonian Kingdom. Most clans fell under their control. Even clans not
controlled paid tribute. No one questioned this, for the Harmonian army
was almighty. One battalion alone was equal in strength to all clans

"The difference in power was enormous, yet one group showed no fear: the
Flame Champion and his Fire Bringers."

"Their battles were small, but word spread quickly. Stories of the Fire
Bringer bandits raiding supply transports made the clans brave and hopeful.
Soon they stood up to be led by the same man. Then came the day when they
stood as one against the Holy Harmonian Kingdom."

"The Harmonian army clashed fiercely with the Grasslands forces led by the
Flame Champion, (Fire Hero's Name). It was the heaviest fighting ever known,
but neither side won a decisive victory. Strangely enough, although Harmonia
did not claim victory, it has not tried to retake the Grasslands in all the
years since."

"The Flame Champion did not show himself again. Rumors said that he went to
the far west continent, or that he traded his own life for peace in the

Old Book Volume 9-Forage Before Forging


-Iron Hammer-
The basic tool for forging weapons up through Level 9. Sometimes found
in the Great Hollow.

-Copper Hammer-
A quality design for forging up through Level 12. Spotted in Caleria.
But what hasn't been spotted in Caleria at one time or another?

-Silver Hammer-
A real beauty. Makes forging a pleasure. Can eventually bring a dull
blade up to Level 15. Said to be hidden in the Duck Village.

-Golden Hammer-
Level 16 forges? Go for gold! When you need the very best, look no
further than, um, well...actually, no one knows. Iksay?

Old Book Volume 10-Win the Lottery!

"If you want to get filthy rich, the lottery is your ticket. Here's
all you need to know."

Q1: How can I buy tickets?
A1: Go to a lottery sales outlet! One ticket costs 100 potch.
You can buy up to 10 tickets for a drawing, but only during the sales
period. When the sales period stops, the drawing & payout period
starts. That's when you should check your numbers and collect any

Q2: How much can I win?
A2: The typical range is 500,000 for 1st prize to 3,000 for 4th prize.
Complimentary and grand prizes also exist. Complimentary prizes differ
by seller.

"The tricky part is cashing in your winners. That can onnly be done
where you bought them. Remember that! And for that matter, remember
winning tickets can only be confirmed within 3 lottery draws after
the one it was purchased for. Any later than that, and your ticket
is void! But once you've identified a ticket as a winner, you're
free to carry it around until it burns a hole in your armor."

"The rest if up to you. Do you know the saying, 'Players win,
watchers lose'? Well, it's true!"

"May you have the last dance with Lady Luck!"

Old Book Volume 11-Book of Beasts

Holly leaf creature. 1.5 feet tall. Usually jumps and attacks with body.
Appears in Zexen Forest.

Wild Boar
Boar. Very mean disposition. Attacks by ramming. Mostly appears on

Looks like a typical, white rabbit, but wields a stone hatchet.
Mostly appears on plains.

Humanoid with tail. Attacks with own blasts and by controlling other
monsters. Appears in vicinity of Flame Champion's Hideaway.

Bronze Sun
Huge humanoid. Skin yellowish with green pattern. Floats in air and
attacks with light. Appears near Ancient Highway and F.C. Hideaway.

Red full-body armor. Uses sword to strike one target, or multiples to
strike several targets at once. Appears around Mt. Senai.

Green plant life form which sucks enemies into its body cavity.
Appears in the Zexen Forest.

A flying humanois with various magic skills empowered by cards.
Acrobatic kick attack. Appears at North Cavern and Mt. Senai.

Fish's lower body, humanoid's upper body. Blue. Holds lyre. Sleep
magic and Water Rune attacks. Appears in Homeland and at Cyndar Ruins.

A zombie-like being with a wrapped head and neck. Claws and pile-driver
attacks. Mostly appears in Zexen Forest.

A white unicorn, 1.5 times larger than a regular horse. Skewers enemies,
or attacks with magic. Encountered at North Cavern.

Soul Slug
Light-blue body. Transparent. Flame-breather. Can also abrosb strength
of enemies. Primarily appears along Ancient Pathway.

Sprite in red clothing. Attacks with 'DO' pitch as part of a chorus. Can
inflict damage on multiple targets. In Zexen Forest.

Holly tree monster. Attacks by releasing several smaller holly leaves.
Encountered in Zexen Forest.

Dragon monstrosity shrouded in flames. Fire-breathing attack while
airborne. Mostly appears in mountainous areas.

Wolf. Pounces on enemies to attack. Known to appear on plains.

A lion with goat and eagle heads, and a snake tail. Can ram enemies,
breath fire, or breath poisonous gas. Zexen Forest.

Giant spider. Vivid yellow and black striped pattern. Attacks with a
clawing jump. Appears on plains.

A fighting skeleton that attacks with an axe. Appears on Mt. Senai
and along Ancient Pathway.

Killer Bee
Bee-like creature with a sting attack. Encountered on plains.

One-eyed vegetation monster. Eye emits a beam. Also attacks with
claws. Stalks beneath the ground at Homeland.

Ivory-colored boar. Attacks by ramming enemies. Primarily
encountered on plains.

Gold Boar
A purple boar. Attacks by ramming and with the electrified horns on
its back. Appears mostly on plains.

Ivory-colored rabbit missing one eye and part of one ear. Attacks with
single-bladed axe. Appears on plains.

Dark Hare
A single-horned black rabbit. Fights effectively with its double-bladed axe.
Mostly appears on plains.

Copper Sun
Giant humanoid. Brownish with red coloring. Floats in air and attacks with
light. Appears at Flame Champion's Hideaway.

The lower body of a fish, the upper body of a humanoid. Holds lyre.
Orange. Sleep magic and Water Rune attacks. Appears at North Cavern area.

Red unicorn. 1.5 times larger than a regular horse. Skewers enemies, or
attacks with magic. Appears at Ritual Site Ruins.

Ghost Slug
Pink, transparent flame-breather. Can also abrosb strength of enemies.
Appears at North Cavern, Mt. Senai, Brass Castle, and Ancient Pathway.

Ghost Holly
Withered holly tree monster. Attacks by releasing several smaller holly
leaves. Appears in Zexen and Kuput forests.

Troll Dragon
Dragon-shaped monstrosity weapped in flames. Flies and breathes fire.
Appears on plains, mountains, and near the Cyndar Ruins.

Shadow Dog
Wolf. Has furless tail and a color pattern on legs. Leaping and breathing
attacks. Most often appears on plains.

Giant spider. Vivid red and black stripes. Attacks with a clawing jump.
Mostly appears on plains.

Giant brown spider. Attacks with a clawing jump. Can also damage anyone
within its nest. Appears in Kuput Forest.

Devil Eye
Features a giant eye on its head that shoots a beam. Also attacks with
claws. Likes mountainout areas.

Holly Elf
Red-winged humanoid sprite. Strikes with a baton and calls on holly
leaves to make focused attack. Appears in Zexen Forest.

Sprite in blue clothing. Attacks with 'RE' pitch as part of a chorus.
Can inflict damage on multiple targets, in Zexen Forest.

Sprite in yellow clothing. Attacks with 'MI' pitch as part of a chorus.
Can inflict damage on multiple targets. In Zexen Forest.

Sprite in green clothing. Attacks with 'FA' pitch as part of a chorus.
Can inflict damage on multiple targets. In Zexen Forest.

Sprite in purple clothing. attacks with 'SOL' pitch as part of a chorus.
Can inflict damage on multiple targets. In Zexen Forest.

Sprite in pink clothing. Attacks with 'LA' pitch as part of a chorus.
Can inflict damage on multiple targets. In Zexen Forest.

Sprite in white clothing. Attacks with 'TI' pitch as part of a chorus.
Can inflict damage on multiple targets. In Zexen Forest.

Small, blue, furry creature. Attacks directly with its body. Mostly
encountered on plains.

Small, red, furry creature. Attacks directly with its body. Mostly
encountered on plains.

Small, yellow, furry creature. Attacks directly with its body. Mostly
encountered on plains.

Small, green, furry creature. Attacks directly with its body. Mostly
encountered on plains.

Small, purple, furry creature. Attacks directly with its body. Mostly
encountered on plains.

Small, copper, furry creature. Attacks directly with its body. Mostly
encountered on plains.

Small, black, furry creature. Attacks directly with its body. Mostly
encountered on plains.

A giant, red crab-like creature that punches enemies. Can paralyze with froth.
Use its remains for cooking! mostly in Zexen Forest.

Red Mantik
Known by its mostly red shell. Strikes with appendages. Paralyzing attack.
use its remains for cooking! Usually in Kuput Forest.

Gigantic being carrying a staff. Lightning attack from spear. Summons ice
spears from sky. Mt. Senai and Ancient Pathway.

A red bug with thorns on its back. Explosive projectile attack can be used
while flying. Appears in Zexen Forest.

A blue bug with thorns on its back. Explosive projectile attack can be used
while flying. Appears in Kuput Forest.

Pillar with faces on front and back. Trample attack. Orbited by objects with
smash attack. At Cyndar Ruins and Ancient Highway.

Winged humanoid. Attacks with arrows of light and by summoning shadows to
inflict damage. Appears near Flame Champion's Hideaway.

A fully-armored being that attacks with an axe. Can break into smaller
pieces for attack. Encountered on Mt. Senai,

Winged creature with enormous head. Drops enemy from the air and shoots
multiple arrows from mouth. Appears near North Cavern.

Twin Snake
Huge Mt. Senai beast with two huge snakes emerging from both sides.Tongue
and beam attacks from mouth. Flame & cold attacks from snakes.

Water dragon with 10 beautiful side fins. Guarded by six ice columns.
Appears at Cyndar Ruins when the True Water Rune seal is broken.

A round creature covered with eyes. As turns pass, it expands, turns red,
and explodes. Appears at Flame Champion's Hideaway.

Purple plant life form which sucks enemies into its body cavity. Appears on

A fighting skeleton that attacks with an axe. Encountered at North Cavern.

Known by its vividly colored bluish shell. Attacks with laser, appendages,
and paralyzing froth. Mostly encountered in Kuput Forest.

Wears green, full-body armor. Attacks with sword and by breaking up into
smaller pieces for multiple targets. On Ancient Pathway.

A green bug with thorns on its back. Explosive projectile attack(can fire
several while flying). Appears in Zexen Forest.

Immense fire dragon with wings shrouded in flame. Appears at Flame Champion's
Hideaway when the True Fire Rune seal is broken.

Armored upper body. Lower body of a horse. Attacks with light and explosions
from spear, and with a frontal charge. At North Cavern.

Encompassed by a blue aura. Attacks with a beam from mouth and multiple balls
of light from body. Appears at Ritual Site Ruins.

Body made of rough stone. Huge right arm used to attack. Can jump and deliver
punchs to multiple foes upon landing. Appears on plains.

A flightless, green bird with much plumage on its head. Stabs with break
and kicks at enemies. msotly appears on plains.

Butterfly with red and blue wings. Absorbs enemy's strength and spreads
airborne, poisonous powder. Appears in mountainout areas.

A round monster with one eye at its center. Rotates and fires beams of light at
its enemy.

Yellow, dolphin-like mountain sprite with unique pattern on its back and fins.
Attacks with horn on its head and also with tail.

Blue Svire
Blue, dolphin-like Mt. Senai sprite with distinct pattern on its back and fins.
Attacks with horn on its head and also with tail.

A flightless, black bird with much plumage on its head. Stabs with beak and
kicks with enemies. Mostly appears on plains.

Butterfly with color gradation on wings. Absorbs enemy's strength and spreads
airborne, poisonous powder. Appears beneath Homeland.

Rock Golem
Body made of rough rock. Huge right arm used to attack. Can jump and deliver
punches to multiple foes upon landing. Found in mountains.

Old Book Volume 12-Gourmet Adventurer


"Every village and city has at least one specialty, and it'd be foolish to
not try them all. Here, for the first time in one book, is all you need to know
about the finest sustenance your potch can buy."

"As any Lizard will tell you, the popularity of the SPECIAL STEW at the
Great Hollow is well-deserved."

"There's no use in going to Caleria if you're not going to indulge in their

"Over at the Duck Village, they've got a TOMATO SOUP worthy of being a lottery

"You don't have to be Zexen to fall in love with the GRATIN in Vinay Del Zexay."

"In Iksay Village, the BEEF & POTATOES and GRILLED FISH taste just like how
mom used to make them!"

"CAKE is the quickest and sweetest way to every woman's heart in Alma Kinan

"Busy Le Buqueans know there's no beating the price and volume of the local

"CHINESE NOODLE SOUP is always worth a trip to Chisha Village. You haven't
tried noodle soup like this before! "

"Even if you can't stomach the local water, always stop to enjoy the
culinary delights. "
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